
Clare Lockman leads with a fiery, folk rock vibe that expands into rockabilly roots music and stays true to her conversations about mental health.

Clare Lockman’s fourth release from Sparta Studios continues to show her versatility as a singer and writer, delving into blues, country, folk and jazz.  It’s four tracks of Americana, played pure so the stories stand on their own. Her brooding sound resonates from honest vocals and careful lyricism. 

Settle in on the hooky and mellow first track, “Whiskey Blues”, with well-crafted lyrics that tell of a lover’s crime.  Her vocals are earthy in the lower register, then turn soft and clean, or, alternately, silky, as in the piano standards-style track, “Except for you (Let’s Lay Down).”

In her take on a classic roots song “Come Back, Young Man (Cowboy’s Lament),” the off kilter slide guitar reflects a relationship that has lost its wheels, and her earnest voice reflects that regret.  Clare’s evocative and poignant songs embody what it means to be separated from those you love, whether by time, a betrayal, death, or a flaw inside yourself.   Aquamarine Dream ventures into the grief and escapism that can come from disconnection, and the reckoning that can come from music.

Aquamarine Dream will debut online August 2022 on Bandcamp, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, and other services.  For more information and the latest blogs, visit and follow Clare at or on Facebook.